Sunday, April 6, 2014

365 Day 6 and 7: This and That

It's the weekend, and I made it through a week of project 365. I'm also playing The Minimalists' Game for the month of April. I'm decluttering the house by throwing out or giving away something everyday. This weekend, I tossed 11 items since April 5 and April 6 (five plus six equals 11) falls on the weekend. As you can see above, that means three pots, two containers, one lid (which I can't find where it goes to), a chipped candle/oil diffuser, two more vases, a pair of sunglasses, and a broken frame.

Yes, one of the vases does look familiar. Friday, I had said goodbye to two similar vases. I found this one outside and filled with dirt. To tell you the truth, I did have four  of these vases at one point. However, one broke a long time ago. I'm tossing the sunglasses because I'm probably legally blind without prescriptive glasses, and the ones in the picture are not prescriptive. Some of you may notice that there's a tag still on the broken picture frame. I bought that frame when I lived in South Caroline, which was about six years ago. I never used it and never will.

I'm usually a tad lazy when it comes to math, but I am going to do some now. In terms of The Minimalists' Game, I said goodbye to 21 items. A humongous part of me screams I should not have joined in the game and spread those 21 items over 21 days. At least then, I would of made it nearly a month into project 365. I guess I could argue that getting rid of things now or later shouldn't matter. I should be happy with the progress.

It's already starting to get hard. Maybe I don't own that much stuff. I can look around the house and see plenty of things that belong to my kids and even some that belong to my husband. It would be very easy for me to get through this month and the next 51 weeks if I could count their stuff. However, my initial rules says I can't. That worries me. I don't know if I'm going to make it. I wonder if I'm just so attached to my own things that I can't see what I can get rid of-- what I don't really need. Over the next few weeks (maybe even days), I'll find out.

I do know one thing. I'm going to try and be honest about what I need and don't need. I'm not one of those people who says I have to make it to day 365 if I accomplished what I need to on day 100 (which then it will be project 100 instead of project 365). At the same time, I don't want to stop early because I can't bare to part with what I own, but don't use.

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